GAVEL “We Never Stood A Chance” Coming Soon
New record from the veteran band Gavel coming soon.
Get ready for 8 tracks of unleashed crossover thrash hardcore straight from New Jersey!
Prepárate para 8 temas de thrash hardcore crossover desatado directamente desde Nueva Jersey!
Próximamente, nuevo disco de la veterana banda Gavel.
Prepara’t per a 8 temes de thrash hardcore crossover desfermat directament des de Nova Jersey!
Properament, nou disc de la veterana banda Gavel.
01. Winds of Chaos
02. Lust for Death
03. Monarch of Murder
04. Bleeding Me Dry
05. Gunned Down and Hung High
06. Within the Confines
07. Hostage Standoff
08- Breathe It In